Swami Satyananda Saraswati (Barcelona, 1955). In 1976, moved by a deep inner call, he travelled to India in search of a teacher who could guide him on the path of recognition of the Self.
In 1976 he met Swami Muktananda Paramhansa, who initiated him in meditation, yoga and Hindu dharma, thus beginning an intense spiritual practice under his tutelage. In 1980 Swami Satyananda received the initiation of sannyasa (renunciate of the Sri Shankara order) and his current name.
Under the instruction of his guru, he created an ashram in Barcelona, another in Paris, and coordinated centers and ashrams across Europe.
Shortly after Swami Muktananda’s mahā-samādhi (death), in late 1982, Swamiji began a pilgrimage to sacred places in India where he met and lived with great mahātmas. Later he settled in southern India and lived for over twenty years at the foot of the Arunachala mountain, near the ashram of Sri Ramana Maharshi.
During this time, Swamiji lived with direct disciples of Sri Ramana Maharshi, deepening in Advaita Vedanta and carrying out an intense practice of contemplation, yoga, study and meditation. Later he lived for five years in Sri Gnanananda Niketan, dedicated to the contemplation of the Upanishads and the traditional texts of the Advaita Vedanta, under the guidance of Swami Nityananda Giri.
In 2009 Swamiji, encouraged by a group of devotees, settled in Catalunya where he founded the Hindu association Advaitavidya. The association has naturally spread throughout Mexico and Argentina, countries which he travels to regularly imparting his teaching.
In 2017, he created, near Barcelona, Kailash Ashram, a place dedicated to intense practice, meditation and study, where he lives with his disciples
With his knowledge of the Hindu tradition, the philosophy of yoga, Advaita Vedanta and Kashmir Shivaism, Swamiji regularly teaches in a pure, experienced and direct way, as traditionally transmitted, from guru to disciple.
In 2018 he founded Advaitavidya Editions, a publishing house specialised in classic Hinduist texts published in both Spanish and Catalan, as well as the lives and works of the mahatmas of this ancient tradition. He has published; Hinduism (Fragmenta, 2014), an expanded translation of the original in Catalan published in 2012, Mauna, the teaching of silence (2018), Viveka, discernment between the real and unreal/ Vairagya, detachment (2018) and Sādhanā, the path to plenitude (2021). He is also the author of numerous articles and introductions to books on various Indian topics.
““Every time we look into someone’s eyes, we have the darshan of Divinity, of the Consciousness that is in everything and everyone ”. “Here and now. What is the only real thing? The Self. He who is not born, he who will not die, he who is not subject to space and time. This is the only real thing in you.’’
Swami Satyananda Saraswati